Installation and Admin Settings

  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Unzip the file “” and upload the folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  3. Activate the plugin from “Plugins” menu in WordPress Admin.
  4. Booking Calendar, Dashboard, Rooms and Room Details page will create automatically with shortcode.
  5. At first you have to create users for hotel owner and Role should be “Hotel Owner”. So go to Users > Add New User from admin dashboard.
  6. Now go to “Woo Booking Manager” > Add Hotel and choose Hotel Owner.
  7. Create Room from “Woo Booking Manager” > Add New Room. Admin should assign room category otherwise it will not show in Booking Calendar page.
  8. Admin can edit booking from “Manage Booking” option.
  9. View the overview of bookings in “Booking Calendar” option.
  10. Admin can set Booked and processing background color of Booking Settings option.
  11. Advance user can add CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) from “Frontend CSS Fix” option.
  12. Set the “Mass Payment Settings” from “Woo Booking Manager” > Payment Settings.
  13. Now go to frontend and click on to “Booking Calendar” link to add a Booking.