
  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Unzip the file “” and upload the folder to “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  3. Activate the plugin from “Plugins” menu in WordPress Admin.
  4. Go to “WCS-Settings” of Admin Dashboard and configure your necessary settings.
  5. Now add/edit woocommerce product and go to “Tailors Option – Suits” metabox area to “Enable design panel at frontend” and Add “Extra price for custom design”.
  6. In admin “Select design rule for this product” that option is very important. In this plugin, we have already upload example suit image in woocommerce-tailor-suits > image > dir-structure > 1 in that directory of our plugin. So if you upload other suit-images, you should follow exact same image format (image style, folder name and image name) and upload to the same directory as different folder name. And that folder name will show at admins “Select design rule for this product” as dropdown menu. For different products you can select different design from here. Select any design and update your product.
  7. Now you are ready to design your own suit from frontend!